Support for your

world-changing work.


We’ve all been there: you’re inspired to make a difference, invest wholeheartedly in creating social change, and yet there’s not much movement. The people you serve — like families, elders, patients, students, and communities — want to see, hear, and feel the impact in their daily lives. And you want to know that all of your hard work is leading to positive outcomes.

Veto Consulting Services wants to champion your change and provide new tools to solve old problems. In our experience, there are three challenges that create gaps between organizations’ visions and their capacity to transform the real-world experiences of the diverse communities they serve.

Challenge #1: Lack of understanding and buy-in to solve the problem.

A team facing this challenge may: Feel confused about the nature of the problem or why everyone doesn’t see it the same way; have a surface-level understanding; spend time and energy “admiring” the problem; jump to solutions despite limited information; move ahead without engaging others; face pushback from those who don’t agree with problem definition and/or solutions.

How Veto Consulting Services can help: Collect and synthesize problem-related data; co-create an inclusive problem statement; facilitate discussion to foster consensus among diverse stakeholders; guide goal development and target-setting; coach leaders to strengthen engagement in the problem-solving process.

Challenge #2: No roadmap to solve the problem.

A team facing this challenge may: Feel overwhelmed by the scope of the problem and its solution; lack problem-solving knowledge and skills; need capacity to develop action steps; forget to consider competing demands and resources required; search for a quick fix through scattershot training and technology purchases.

How Veto Consulting Services can help: Facilitate an inclusive process to surface action steps; invite broad input into roadmap development; build implementation knowledge and skills; co-create realistic timelines and milestones; recommend intentional, aligned resources; coach leaders to manage the roadmap development process.

Challenge #3: Problem persists, despite having a solution roadmap.

A team facing this challenge may: Feel disappointed that initial attempts haven’t solved the problem; need fresh perspective about why their efforts aren’t working; get stuck on roadblocks; under-resource its implementation efforts; lack knowledge and skills for execution; forget to track where progress is/isn’t happening; avoid ownership and accountability for action steps.

How Veto Consulting Services can help: Assess implementation roadblocks and facilitate team solution-building; develop roadblock-related knowledge and skills; co-design a progress monitoring plan; offer accountability partnership; coach leaders to manage roadmap ownership and execution.

Veto Consulting Services can help.

 Do these challenges sound familiar? Are you looking for a partner to help you stop this frustrating cycle and offer a different way?